Sep 27, 2011

A Bad Example that Quantitative Research Could Give...

I recently read an article talks about the impact of formal learning space on student learning. The author conducted a quasi-experimental research and seek to understand the relationship between formal learning spaces and student learning outcomes.

Here's how the author did his research. He wanted to compare two datasets of students' leaning outcome in two different learning spaces--one is a traditional classroom setting: blackboard in the front, students sitting in rows...etc; another is so-called Active Learning Classroom (ALC), which offers big round tables, switchable laptop technology for presentation, and wall-round marker board...etc. Except for different learning spaces, all other variables were controlled. However, the samples were from students who voluntarily enrolled the course and is impossible being random, this research cannot be categorized as experimental design.

The author found out one of the variable cannot be controlled because of the convenient sample set: students' academic achievement. In order to gain more credible results, the researcher collected students' ACT score, and claimed the score "have been demonstrated to be reliable and valid predictors of grades, especially among first-year college students." The ACT scores showed that students in traditional classroom had higher average of ACT than the students in ALC before they enter the college, statistical method was used by the author to standardized the score, and predicted that under all controlling variables, students in traditional classrooms should will gain higher average score in the end of the semester than students in the ALC classrooms.

The results shows that students in traditional classroom did gain higher score, but not as high as predicted, and the difference is statistic significant. Thus the author concluded that the impact in different learning space did exist and influence student learning.

That's it! Probably the weakest research I've ever read in recent years. The author only collected two sets of data, used t-test and multiple regression to analyze the data, then got the statistic significant result. Regardless the weak connection of the literature review session and the research design, what can this result actually tell us? We are always talking about statistical significant and practical significant in our stats classes. Although there is nothing wrong with the statistics in the study, as a reader, I cannot be persuaded there is a real difference because students' average score in the traditional classroom is only "3 points short" than the research estimate. Ironically, the students in ALC classroom actually earned less average score than the traditional one. The researcher manipulate the simple data and sought to present it in multiple fancy way to show the how much the "difference" the ALC score increases.

What do I expect to see in the topic related to the different learning space? I want to see the how innovate facilitation differ from traditional classroom can impact students' learning. Their learning achievement, can only be shown in their final scores, but different assignments or classroom activities they were engaged in. I want to see the patterns of students interaction in different learning spaces. I want to see how students and teachers percept in a different learning environments. From neither the results nor research design in this study, I am not informed any characteristic that is unique in an innovative learning space. The results are meaningless to me.

It could become more meaningful if this research only a pilot study for other research. Moreover, if the research design was duplicated and conducted at least three time and got the similar results, I will be more convinced.

Sep 21, 2011


How Alien Scientist See the Earth?
Image from:

"Paradigm" is a word that confused me for a long time.  I only know that from a research perspective in social science, the paradigm could be categorized into "quantitative/positivism" and "qualitative/interpretivism." But what is the exact meaning for the word itself.  I've tried to look it up everywhere, included both dictionaries in Chinese and English, those explanation never satisfied me. Until I read a passage from Patton's book last week, I think the word begins make sense of me:

"A paradigm is a worldview-- a way of thinking about and making sense of the complexities of the real world. As such, paradigm are deeply embedded in the socialization of adherents and practitioners. Paradigm tell us what is important, legitimate, and reasonable. Paradigms are also normative, telling the practitioner what to do without the necessity of long existential or epistemological consideration "
That's why we have the debate between extreme quantitative researchers and qualitative researchers (or, we can add a third category, the critical researchers) because they look things differently. It is also associated to  the assumption if there is a true reality in the world (ontology) and the way to know the world (epistemology).

Sep 20, 2011

A Little Footstep...

My husband and I in the snowshoes

This semester I enrolled a class called "Readings and Research in Learning Technology", facilitate by Dr. Cassie Scharber. We plan to read one to two contemporary research articles in our field every week and discuss it in the class. The purpose of this class is not only to read thoroughly but also critically, and learn how to talk like a scholar in the academia. What a good opportunity for a young and practice-to-be future scholar! We've experience our first two weeks of discussion in both face-to-face and asynchronous online form, and the results are fruitful! Those are the most enjoyable discussion so far happened in my life. I can talk with my familiar topic to my familiar audience in a safe setting. For a long time, I'm always diffident and always doubt myself if I can survive in the field, especially when I had some seminar core courses with folks from other programs in the department. Lack of proficiency in English and shared learning experience in the US always make me shy when I was talking in front of others. Ironically, I was a talkative person in my home country and has very sophisticated speaking and writing skills when using my native language. I know I need to challenge myself to be stronger in this world.

Thus I decide to initiate a new blog and write down my reflection when I am inquiring the field. I'm also taking qualitative research and apps design class this semester. Some entries related to these two courses may be added to the blog at the same time. They may be a random thought, a memo of research design, or some pieces related to apps and technology integration.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. Indeed, this is my very first footstep.